
Thoughts on life, love, food, and living with Lupus

Ice Cream Sandwiches bring joy . . . June 3, 2013

Filed under: 2013 — PamperedJaime @ 10:36 pm
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Friday was hot!  Saturday, even hotter!  108 in the shade kind of hot!  I had a rare Friday night off and was in the mood to bake.  It started with a batch of Scotchies and it turned into Ice Cream Sandwiches.  In the midst of it, I made Sourdough Baguette . . .  I can’t help it . . . sorry . . .


The beginning . . . Butter and sugar . . . heaven



My Secret Weapon . . . my homemade bourbon vanilla . . . oh my gosh!  That is another post . . .Image



And it gets mixed into the butter and sugar . . .  I had to keep my fingers out of it!

ImageAdd the oats and butterscotch chips . . . and fight the urge to eat the cookie dough

ImageScoop out the dough, using a large stainless scoop (about 3 T.)  See how loved my baking stone is?ImageMmmmm . . . but we are not done yet!ImageNow it is time to make Ice Cream Sandwiches!!!  I use the base of the Ice Cream Sandwich Maker to trim the cookies perfectly.  A very messy job, with horribly, delicious scraps . . . ImageNow to build the sandwiches!  Start with one cookie, try not to eat any of the ones on the rack.  THey are perfectly counted out!  ImageSmooth 2 scoops of your favorite ice cream on top of the cookie- Notice my fancy technique of using the back of the Ice Cream Dipper.  No extra tools!ImagePat cookie #2 on top of the ice cream!  We are almost there!ImagePut the Maker on the plunger thingy and push down.  You have a professional looking Ice Cream Sandwich!  Some people would pay $4 for this decadent treat!  $4.50 if I rolled the sides in sprinkles!ImageIf you are not going to eat immediately, take a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and freeze your treats solid.  Once solid, I put them in a freezer bag and they are ready for whenever I need a sweet treat!


And this is the science project that was going on in my kitchen at the same time.  My experiment of a Sourdough Baguette made with whole wheat flour.  It was warm enough for the dough to rise fast and well.ImageThis weird stuff is my live sourdough starter.  It lives in a mason jar in my fridge.  So weird and so awesome!  I have had it for about a yeaImageAfter the first rise, I shaped the dough into 2 loaves on my baguette pan.  They rose again and the off to the oven!  We were not able to wait for it to cool off . . . I had soft butter too!Image


2 Responses to “Ice Cream Sandwiches bring joy . . .”

  1. LauraBelle Says:

    Those cookies look awesome! 😀

  2. Gillian Umphenour Says:

    they were awesome!!! yummmm!!!!

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