
Thoughts on life, love, food, and living with Lupus

A Rough Go . . . June 23, 2021

Filed under: 2021,Life,Love — PamperedJaime @ 7:05 am
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How many of you thought on New Years’ Eve of 2020, “Nothing can be as rough as 2020? 2021 is going to be better!” That was me and my girls. It had to get better. We got through the end of my marriage and drastic, horrible changes to our family. We had to move my older daughter home after she lost her job and her school went online. Her sister lost all of her non-school life. I lost one of my jobs that was a big part of my income (scary for a single mom!) 2021 will be better! Yes it had to be . . .

Well . . . a few weeks into January 2021, not so awesome. Two daughters, 3 surgeries, 1 ambulance ride, and then . . . this last month of shock. About a month ago, there was a mass shooting in San Jose, CA. I am a Northern California girl and I was familiar with the location, but just heard about it in passing at work at the radio station. Until my Aunt called. My cousin Tim, was one of the victims. Murdered by a mad-man. He and 8 others. Just shock. Tim was a devoted husband, father, new grandpa, a son, a brother, an Air Force Veteran. My girls and I travelled to the graveside service at the National Cemetery in Santa Nella. My heart just broke when my Uncle saluted his flag draped coffin. Life is so short. My heart has just been so broken for his wife and family. For my Aunt and Uncle. Parents are not supposed to bury their child.

Last week, I found out the son of a friend, a little one who had been in several of my classes, was diagnosed with Stage 4 Leukemia. That was Wednesday. Saturday morning I received the call that he passed away. 10 years old. 2 weeks before he and his twin sister are to turn 11. The day before his younger brother’s birthday and Father’s Day. That fast. My little friend who always wanted me to create explosions in STEAM class. Life is so unfair. He was so young. I hate cancer. I hate what it brought to a young life and a young family. Shattered hearts. Parents are not supposed to bury their children.

With so much that has happened in my recent history, the message that is repeating in my mind is to spend as much time with my girls as I can, especially as they are getting very close to their turn to fly. To make sure that those around me know that I love them. To not give up on the future. Hug your loved ones. Don’t hold back on letting them know you love them. This last month has shown me how important this all is. It has been a rough go, but it will get better.